The council provides an estates management service for some land and property in the borough.

Services include:

We have developed a medium term plan to make sure that our land and buildings are being used effectively and efficiently.

The Corporate asset management plan (PDF) outlines what we do and our priorities.


What's your business property worth? You may need to value your business property for any number of reasons: security on a loan; buying or selling a property; including in your accounts or in a prospectus; or for insurance purposes.

But valuation is a complex task, and there is no such thing as a single valuation for a property, useful for all purposes. Valuations are produced based on different assumptions - and may give with different answers, depending on their end use.

Your chartered surveyor will recommend and carry out the best valuation for you, but you must explain clearly what you want the valuation for.

Further information on valuations can be found on the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors website.

Rateable values

Rateable Values are a specific form of valuations for business rates. They are carried out by the valuation Office Agency of the Inland Revenue. There is more information under valuation on the business rates page.



Walthamstow Town Hall

London E17 4JF